SAMCO uses your current appraiser list!
When a community bank or credit union and SAMCO Appraisal Management Company agree to work together, one of the first jobs we have is completing SAMCO Appraisal Management Company's approval process for all of the lenders currently approved appraisers. These board approved appraisers are then added to SAMCO Appraisal Management Company's approved appraiser list. Not only that, but those appraisers will be utilized for that client's assignment rotation so the "feet on the ground" in your CRA assessment area do not change. We understand that your local board has the responsibility of approving the vendors that are privileged to work with them. Because we do understand the local board's responsibilities,
SAMCO provides annually for board approval:
Open List!
SAMCO has an open list of hundreds of qualified professional appraisers ready to fulfill your request if needed. You can even have them qualified for your Preferred List or use an open list for every order. We provide all yearly documentation required the same as your approved list of appraisers.
Appraisers WANT to work for SAMCO!
SAMCO works with an extremely talented group of appraisers in multiple states. The appraisers that we work with have an exceptional skill set for their markets. Our clients (Community Banks & Credit Unions) offer services in some pretty unique areas. From a farm in the Midwest to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (SNOW Country). Our appraisers know their markets.
SAMCO’s independent fee appraisers are more like partners in this venture. They have a vested interest in our success and we have the same in theirs. We offer a great user-friendly platform, additional support when they need to talk to a live person. We offer a fair fee and a quick turn time for payment. The SAMCO appraisers do not have to wait for the lender to pay, we are paying the appraiser in a two-week time frame for completed assignments.
SAMCO does not charge a Portal or Technology Fee to appraisers. Why would we do that? It is part of our cost of doing business, not the appraiser’s. The appraisers quoted fee is what they are paid ….NO DEDUCTIONS. We also believe in transparency ….our clients know what the appraiser is paid that complete their orders. We do not hide the appraiser fee, because we appreciate the appraiser enough to pay a fair and equitable fee.
Many appraisers have negative feelings toward appraisal management companies for several reasons. The major reason is not being paid a full fee or not being paid in a timely fashion. SAMCO Appraisal Management Company has eliminated this issue. Our appraisers are paid a full fee every time within two weeks of appraisal completion. Oversight is another reason that there could be resentment towards an appraisal management company by an appraiser. If an appraiser is not accustomed to a critical review of the appraisal, having it returned for a correction, revision, or further explanation is not understood or appreciated by all appraisers. Because SAMCO Appraisal Management Company has licensed appraisers conducting the audit process, they understand what challenges the individual appraisers are facing and work with them. On our testimonial page are testimonials from SAMCO Appraisal Management Company approved appraisers. Call them up! They are SAMCO Appraisal Management Company's best advertising.