Looking for a qualified & certified appraisal management company? Read about our history below and find out why SAMCO is the perfect choice for you!
Began operations April 1, 2008
- Mr. John Shives - Owner/President with over twenty-four years plus appraisal company/appraisal management experience.
- Mrs. Billie Tomlinson - Chief Executive Officer (CEO) with ten years of appraisal management experience.
- A trained, qualified service team.
- Appraisal audit team - USPAP trained, General and Certified Appraiser supervisory staff
History of SAMCO

Prior to 2008, SAMCO Appraisal Management Co. LLC was a division of Shives Appraisal Company Inc. This company was established in 1991 with the goal of creating a statewide appraisal management company. The company concentrated on working with national, regional, and local community banks as a central place to order and receive residential, commercial, and agricultural appraisal reports. By the end of the decade, Shives Appraisal Company exceeded their goal and had become a four-state appraisal company.
SAMCO Appraisal Management Company, LLC launched operations April 1, 2008, in response to the impending need for appraisal management companies in the U.S. due to new Fannie-Freddie requirements, as well as new OCC, OTS, FDIC, and CUMA regulatory changes.
The goal of SAMCO Appraisal Management Company is to provide a nationwide appraisal management service for community banks that conforms to the 2010 Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines. SAMCO makes the transition into compliance with the new Federal Appraisal Guidelines simple, easy, and profitable. SAMCO does one thing and does it well, provide quality appraisals/evaluations through an ongoing appraisal/evaluation audit process. SAMCO Appraisal Management Company possesses exclusive agreements with community banks and credit unions across the United States because we are community oriented.
The president of SAMCO is John Shives. He is a graduate of the Ohio State University with a Bachelors of Science from the College of Agriculture. John has a strong rural community banking background and over 24 years plus of experience in appraisal management.
Vision of SAMCO
In everything we do, we believe in open and honest relationships. In knowing our client, the community banker, the way they know their customers and community. Our commitment to relationship building combined with our excellent services is how we stand out from other appraisal companies.
The way we achieve that client relationship is by always being available, improving our client's service to their customer, providing regulatory compliance, and saving our client actual dollars. This is accomplished through working together as a team, being completely open and frank to our SAMCO teammates/clients, and by taking personal responsibility.
We just happen to provide great appraisal/evaluation order management and review. Want to see how easy it is to work with SAMCO?
How SAMCO is Important for the Community Banker
It's basically a value proposition

Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs) are being utilized more every year by mortgage lenders. Currently, over 70% of the mortgage loans made in the United States have the appraisal ordering and review managed by an AMC.
There are three reasons that lenders outsource the appraisal ordering and review process. First, by separating the appraiser from a bank's loan production staff, the risk of fraud is greatly reduced. With the advent of several important legislative and regulatory changes, this strict separation is what bank examiners look for.
Pleasing Safety and Soundness examination teams is the second reason banks are increasingly outsourcing appraisal management. With the announcement of the 2010 Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines (compliance date December 10, 2010), examiners are being instructed, while reviewing a transaction analysis, to specifically look inside the appraisal report to ensure that it is within USPAP and Appraisal Standards. If not, the bank will be held responsible for the appraisal and could be cited in supervisory letters or bulletins.
The third reason (and of growing importance) is that RESPA requires a lender to account for all closing cost fees charged to the borrower. It's very difficult to define the costs of in-house management. To comply with RESPA, the bank has to pay for their in-house department without receiving any offsetting fee income. Margins are growing tighter every year for community banks and credit unions, and reducing non-interest expenses is of growing importance. Outsourcing the management and review function saves the community bank and credit unions significant payroll expenses.
At SAMCO, our team of appraisal management and compliance experts is ready to assist you with appraisal ordering and review. We can help your organization save money through more efficient appraisal management. Our goal is to provide top-quality appraisal management services as one of the top appraisal management companies in the nation. We're ready to help you today!